1:1 Power Hour
Are you feeling a bit stuck in your marketing journey? Unsure where to begin or how to get visible? Need some expert guidance and advice that aligns with your unique business goals and gets you seen, loved and fully booked? Then my 1:1 Virtual Power Hour is the perfect solution for you!
Picture this: A personalised session tailored just for you, where we tackle your biggest marketing challenges head-on. Whether you’re struggling with setting up your social media accounts, develop your brand story, refine your messaging, or brainstorm content ideas, I’ve got your back.

I’m here to help you show up, stand out, win hearts, and secure more bookings—without the overwhelm.
During our Power Hour, we’ll sit down over a virtual coffee and dive straight into the heart of your content marketing dilemmas. No fluff, just rapid-fire advice and actionable strategies you can implement right away. 

And the best part? You’re in the driver’s seat – this session is all about YOUR agenda, YOUR marketing and YOUR goals.
Some topic ideas to get you started:

Getting started with email marketing.

Optimising your website.

Setting up your Instagram / Facebook accounts.

Brainstorming content ideas.

How to get more visible online – get seen, get loved, and get fully booked!

Planning and scheduling your content.

Getting clear on your messaging.

Tell your story in a way that captivates, connects, and converts.

Getting clarity on your marketing – what to focus on first!

The options are endless.

Whats Included:

The session is tailored to you and your venue.

We will cover a topic of your choice!

A 60-minute 1:1 call. (via Google Hangouts)

1 working day of guidance + support (via Whatsapp)

You must have an existing listing (free).

**Limited availability!
Book your Virtual Power Hour today and embark on a personalised journey to master your marketing!
Special Offer
Get more eyes on your glamping venue with a featured directory listing! Strategically placed to help you get seen, get loved and get booked!

You must have an existing (free) listing!
Add to cart£27.00
  • Total payment
  • 1xPower Hour£197

All prices in GBP

Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!
